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Diberitahukan kepada seluruh praktikan Praktikum Elektronika Industri 2014 bahwa pelaksanaan praktikum modul 4 akan dilaksanakan pada tangga 05 Desember 2014.

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1.      Rancanglah sebuah project  ARDUINO yang mempunyai system, disarankan yang memberi konstribusi atau manfaat bagi masyarakat/industri. Meliputi minimal 1 komponen input dan 2 komponen output.
2.      Jelaskan secara rinci system kerja project tersebut.
3.      Jelaskan masing-masing dari komponen input output yang dipakai.
4.      Buat desain 3D dilengkapi dimensi dari mekanik/miniplan project yang dibuat.
5.      Dari project diatas harus memenuhi syarat berikut:
a)      Input DC/Bateray yang digunakan project maksimal 12V
b)      Tidak boleh sama antar kelompok, dikordinasikan ke kordinator kelas
c)      Komponen yang dipakai harus dari praktikan sendiri, dan master arduino berhak menggunakan dari Lab.

-          Tugas dikumpulkan paling lambat pada hari Kamis, 27 Nopember 2014 jam 12.00 WIB berupa file pdf dikomputer laboratorium PC depan sebelah kanan


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Modul 3 Praktikum Elektronika Industri

Modul Praktikum elektronika industri dapat di download disini .
diharapkan semua praktikan untuk mempelajari semua isi modul. Dikarenakan ada pretest. 

Co.Praktikum Elektronika Industri.

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Modul 2 Elektronika Industri

Modul Elektronika Industri silahkan di download via mediafire atau via google drive

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Profil Laboratorium Sistem Otomasi dan Robotika Teknik Industri Universitas Trunojoyo

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Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

What is a PLC?

In this module you will be introduced to a controller called a PLC. The initials PLC stand for programmable logic controller. A PLC is often used as the "brain" in a wide range of modern controlled systems.

A PLC is essentially a low level computer capable of interfacing with field instrumentation to read input data and control output data. PLCs can generally be programmed from a PC, typically using ladder logic, sequential function charts, and/or structured text.

In some cases, PLCs are connected to a central control computer. Each PLC works independently to control its assignment while feeding information back to the central computer.

PLC's form the basis of what is known as "distributed control". Just as computer systems have migrated away from large mainframe computers, control systems have distributed the "decision making" to PLCs (smart control nodes).

How Does It Work?

Programmable logic controllers take real world inputs from sensors and convert these inputs into electrical signals. These signals update an input table in the "computer".

An I/O board provides the communucation link between the processor and the sensor. The input signals are used to determine which outputs are to be turned on and off.

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The PLC in the Modern Industrial World

The PLC is commonplace in today's industrial world. For example, because of their memory input control capabilities, many elements of an assembly plant utilize PLC's. In fact, just about every existing automation line is controlled by a PLC.

These small units are microprocessor-based and contain non-volatile memory locations (memory that maintains data storage when power is removed) that contain specific instructions programmed by a user for a given application. A PLC can control a wastewater pumping facility for the utility department in a city, while another PLC in a nearby factory controls a smelting furnace.

PLCs are used to control processes that need feedback in order to create consistency. For example, in the Janesville WI, General Motors Truck Facility, programmable logic controllers are used in the body shop to interface with robots, sealing equipment, and automated hard tooling that welds the sheet-metal body of a Suburban Utility Vehicle together.

Some applications for PLC's in the Janesville plant are the following:
  • Hard Welding Automationhttp://
  • Flexible Manufacturing Systemshttp://
  • Sealing Applicationshttp://
  • Fluid Fill Systemshttp://
  • Facility Monitoring Systemshttp://

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Hardware Tasks

The following tasks require the use of hardware.

If you have access to the PLC Trainer System with the Allen-Bradley SLC 500 PLC controller, click Start A/B SLC 500 Hardware Tasks below.
If you have access to the PLC Trainer System with the MicroLogix PLC controller, click Start MicroLogix Hardware Tasks below.

If you do not have access to hardware, click Skip Hardware Tasks below.

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Safety Guidelines

Safety precautions in the PLC environment serve to protect the human operators as well as the PLC equipment. Always use caution when working with the PLCLine system to avoid personal injury and damage to equipment.

All necessary hardware installation and wiring connections are to be performed by the laboratory instructor or system manager.

Be sure to heed the following safety guidelines:
  • Position PLCLine on a stable table. Make sure the PLCLine is placed on the table at least 18 inches away from the table edges (in all four directions).
  • All necessary hardware installation and wiring connections are to be performed by the laboratory instructor or system manager.
  • Make sure the power supply and the Allen Bradley PLC are connected to the rated power supply.

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  • Ensure that 24VDC is not shorted to ground when connecting wires. Doing so will blow the 24V/4A fuse. It is strongly recommended that a circuit diagram be prepared before making an actual connection.
  • Do not touch or tamper with the DC motor unit, especially when it is in motion.
  • Do not tamper with the solenoid or limit switch units.
  • To immediately halt all system operation, switch OFF the power supply.
  • Make sure hands, hair and clothing are securely away from the motor working area.
  • Maintain a clean work area at all times.
  • Keep food and drink away from the workcell.
  • Always read the directions completely before doing a task.
  • If you are unsure of the operation of a system, talk to your instructor before operating the equipment.

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