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Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)

What is a PLC?

In this module you will be introduced to a controller called a PLC. The initials PLC stand for programmable logic controller. A PLC is often used as the "brain" in a wide range of modern controlled systems.

A PLC is essentially a low level computer capable of interfacing with field instrumentation to read input data and control output data. PLCs can generally be programmed from a PC, typically using ladder logic, sequential function charts, and/or structured text.

In some cases, PLCs are connected to a central control computer. Each PLC works independently to control its assignment while feeding information back to the central computer.

PLC's form the basis of what is known as "distributed control". Just as computer systems have migrated away from large mainframe computers, control systems have distributed the "decision making" to PLCs (smart control nodes).

How Does It Work?

Programmable logic controllers take real world inputs from sensors and convert these inputs into electrical signals. These signals update an input table in the "computer".

An I/O board provides the communucation link between the processor and the sensor. The input signals are used to determine which outputs are to be turned on and off.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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